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York St John Communities Centre


Our coaching for wellbeing service offers coaching sessions for adults.

A brick building with curved wall in front of a blue sky.

Coaching sessions can currently be provided by telephone, and online through Zoom or MS Teams.

Coaching sessions are available at the following times:

  • Monday to Thursday: 9.00am to 9.00pm
  • Friday: 9.00am to 5.00pm

The coach's role in the partnership is to use their skills of listening, reflecting, and questioning to help you to:

  • Explore your life and the field of possibilities that's open to you
  • Identify your untapped resources and your unrealised potential
  • Choose which courses of action make most sense to you
  • Make the desired changes to your life

There is no minimum number of sessions, and this is dependent on your need. Some people find it beneficial to have just 1 or 2 sessions, or you may agree to have a block of 10 sessions. Additionally, there may be the opportunity for this to be extended, and this can be discussed with your coach.

Download our information leaflet: 

Communities Centre - Coaching for wellbeing (PDF, 2.3MB)

How to access our services

You need to complete an online self-referral form.

Coaching self-referral form

After submitting the form, your referral will be assessed and you will be contacted by a member of the Centre office team to identify next steps.

For information about how we collect, use, store and share your data please read our privacy policy.

York St John University students are unable to access our services as we cannot accept referrals from them. Students can access their own student wellbeing service.

To find out more about our fees and how to pay for sessions, use the link below.

Supporting York St John Communities Centre

Your donation makes a great difference!

Your gift helps cover the cost of providing free services such as our community language school, bereavement group and cafes, student suicide support group 'Lauren's Ladies' and various drop-ins.

As our income grows, so too does our staff team of receptionists, administrators, coordinators, assessors, supervisors, counsellors, coaches, and group facilitators. Your support is needed to ensure they are actively involved in service delivery and are remunerated for their work. Anything you are able to donate can help support the work we do and the services that we offer to our community.

Make a donation through JustGiving