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York St John Communities Centre

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Our mental health centre vows to be welcoming and inclusive.

Brick building in quad with ivy growing up the side

We work to ensure all clients feel accepted and valued and can fully access our services without encountering bias or discrimination.

Your feedback and suggestions for improving our services are welcome. We respond fully to these and work to accommodate your suggested changes.

Please email feedback to Lynne Gabriel, Centre Director and Safeguarding Officer:

Further reading

Read about equality and diversity at York St John University in the annual equality and diversity reports

Find out more about equality and diversity using the resources below:

Supporting York St John Communities Centre

Your donation makes a great difference!

Your gift helps cover the cost of providing free services such as our community language school, bereavement group and cafes, student suicide support group 'Lauren's Ladies' and various drop-ins.

As our income grows, so too does our staff team of receptionists, administrators, coordinators, assessors, supervisors, counsellors, coaches, and group facilitators. Your support is needed to ensure they are actively involved in service delivery and are remunerated for their work. Anything you are able to donate can help support the work we do and the services that we offer to our community.

Make a donation through JustGiving